Photography is a method of expression; &, communication. When the lens is directed at a scene, there is a conscious decision to select what “reality” to present. I desire to share this transposed experience as a selection of the whole. Rather than express a “true reality,” I try to share the impression a place has had on me. These scenes, frozen in time, are an interpretation, filtered through either my conscious or subconscious mind.

This world is a gem of life. It is all we truly know (inherently at least); Mother Earth. Our experiences lend to our unique perspectives and vice versa. The micro composes the macro — all feeding back to another in a web that surrounds and connects all. Our effects are not subjected to time in a linear sense, but sculpt and refine us always and in all directions. As a result, we forge the lens through which we see (or choose to see through). The core of all experience resonates eternally. The final form eventually [re]presents itself through the granules of time.